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महात्मा गांधी की प्रिय पुस्तकों की सूची


महात्मा गाँधी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाईट ‘हिंदी समय’ पर तेजी ईशा ने उन पुस्तकों की सूची प्रस्तुत की है जो महात्मा गाँधी पढ़ा करते थे. हमने सोचा अपने पाठकों से भी साझा कर लें- मॉडरेटर.


Abott, Lyman: What Christianity Means To Me: A Spiritual Autobiography

Advice To A Mother

Joseph Addison: Essays

Rev. T.: James: Aesop’s Fables

AIi, Amir: History of The Saracens

Ali, Amir Syed: Spirit of Islam: A History of The Evolution and Ideals of Islam

Allison, Dr, T. R.: Hygienic Medicine

Allison, Dr: T. R.: Writings on Health and Hygiene

Andrew, Charles Freer: What I Owe To Christ

Andrews, Charles Freer: Zaka Ullah of Delhi

Annual Report of The Inspector of Education in Basutoland, 1909-19

Arab Wisdom: Wisdom of the East series

Arnold, Edwin: Indian Idylls

Arm of God

Arnold, Edwin: Japan via Land and Sea

Arnold, Edwin: Life Beyond Death

Arnold, Edwin: Light of Asia; Or The Great Renunciation

Arnold, Edwin: Seas and Lands

Arnold, Edwin: The Song Celestial Or Bhagavadgita

Bacon, Francis: Bacon’s Essays with Annotations

Bacon, Francis: Wisdom of The Ancients

Bell: Standard Elocutionist

Bellamy, Edward: Equality

Bentham, Jeremy: Theory of Utility

Besant, Annie Wood: How I Became A Theosophist

Bhgavad Gita

Bhagavan Das: Science of Peace

Bhatt, Nrisinhprasad Kalidas: Biography of The Prophet

Bhattacharya: Indian Castes

Bible Yew of The World Martyrs

Bible Story

Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna (Hahn-Hahn): The Key To Theosophy

Blount: New Crusade

Boehmen, Jacob: Super Sensual Life

Birla, G:D:: Birla’s Book on Currency

Brailsford, Henry Noel: Rebel India

Brierly, J.: Ourselves and the Universe

Broom: Common Law

Browning: Christmas Eve

Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: The Chinese Children Next Door

Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Good Earth

Buckle, Henry Thomas: History of Civilization in Europe

Buhler, George: The Laws of Manu

Bunyan, John: Pilgrim’s Progress

Bureau, Paul: Towards Moral Bankruptcy

Burnes, Delisle Berne: Democracy

Butler, Joseph: Bishop of Durham : Analogy of Religion Natural and Revealed to the Constitution and Course of Nature

Calthrop, M. M.C.: Crusade

Cambridge History of Scotland

Candle of Vision

Carlyle, Thomas: French Revolution: A History

Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Burns

Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Johnson

Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Scott

Carlyle, Thomas: Lives

Carlyle, Thomas: On Heroes, Hero Worship and The Heroic in History

Carlyle, Thomas: Past and Present Carnegie, Andrew: Round The World

Carpenter, Edward: Civilization : Its Cause and Cure

From Adams Peak To Elephanta

Carus, Paul: Gospel of Buddha

Chakravarti, Atulananda: Hindus and Muslims of India

Chatterjee, Ramananda: The Golden Book of Tagore

Childbirth and Obstetrics

Christianity in Practice

The Coming Struggle For Power

Constipation and Our Civilization

Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish: Essays in National Education

Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish: Essays in National Idealism

Cox, George W: Crusades

A Word To Gandhi: The Lesson of Ireland

Cunningham, J. D.: History of The Sikhs’ From The Origin of The Nation To The Battles of The Sutlej

Dadachanji: Zend-Avesta

DeFoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe

Dickens, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: Letters From John Chinaman

Digby, William: Prosperous British India: A Revelation From Official Records

Doke, Joseph John: The Secret City

Dr Carton’s Thesis on Consumption

Drummond, Henry: The Greatest Thing in The World

Drummond, Henry: Natural Law in The Spiritual World

Durant, Will: Case For India

Dutt, Romesh Chunder: Economic History of India Under Early British Rule

Dwivedi, M: N: Rajyoga

Eddy, Mrs: Mrs: Eddy’s Works (Of Christian Science)

Edward: Real Property

Essence of The Koran

Farrar, Rev: Fredric William: Seekers After God

Finot: Race Prejudice

Food Remedies


Geddes, Sir Patrick: Cities in Evolution: An Introduction To The Town Planning Movement and To The Study of Civics

Ghose, Aurobindo: Eight Upanishads

Ghose, Aurobindo: Gita: With Text, Translation and Notes

Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von: Faust

Gokhale, Gopal Krishna: Speeches of Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Gospel and The Plaugh

Govindacharya, Alkondaville: Life of Ramanuja

Guizot: European Civilization

Haeckel, Ernst: Evolution of Man (A Popular Scientific Study)

Haribhadra, Suri: Shaddharshana Samuchchaya Granth

Hassan: Saints of lslam

Hayes: Book of The Cow

Hayes, Will: Essence of Hinduism

Hayes, Will: Indian Bibles

Heath: Astronomy

Henry (A Police Officer): Finger Impressions

Henry, Sir: Sir Henry’s Book on Castes

Hoare, Samuel: The Fourth Seal

Holmes: Freedom and Growth

Homer: Iliad of Homer

Hopkins, E. Washburn: Origin and Evolution of Religion

How to Launder

Hughes, Thomas: Tom Brown’s School Days; By An Old Boy

Hugo, Victor: Les Miserables

Hugo, Victor: Ninety Three

Hunter, William Wilson: History of British India

Hunter, William Wilson: Indian Empire: Its People, History and Products

Huxley, T:H:: On Education

Imam, Saheb: Biography of The Prophet

Irving, Washington: Life and Voyages of Christopher Colombus

Irving, Washington: Life of Mahomet and His Successors

Ishopanishad: Arvind’s Commentary

Iyer: Foreign Exchange

Jacolliot, M: Louis: Bible in India

Jaikrishna, Vyas: Panchikaran

Jain, Champakrai: Confluence of Religions

James: Our Hellenic Heritage

James, William: Varieties of Religious Experiences

Jamia: Kimiyagar

Jamia: Urdu PIays: Shareef Ladka and Kheti

Jeans, James Hopwood: Mysterious Universe

Just, Adolf: Return To Nature

Kabir : Kabir’s Songs

Kaye, John William and George Bruce Malleson: Kaye’s and Malleson’s History of The Indian Mutiny: 1857-1858

Keay: Hindu Astronomy

Kharas: Astronomy

Kharas: Swadhynya Samhita

Khayyam, Omar: Rubajyat of Omar Khayyam

Kidd, Benjamin: Social Evolution

Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: The Bible’s Own Account of Itself

Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Clothed With The Sun

Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Perfect Way in Diet: The Finding of Christ

Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Story of The New Gospel of Interpretation

Kingsley: Eastward Ho

Kingsley: Westward Ho

Kingsley: Money

Kipling, Rudyard: Barrack-Room Ballads

Kipling, Rudyard: Jungle Book

Kiritkar, Vasudev: Studies in Vedanta

Kuhne, Dr.: of Leipzig: Hydrotherapy

Kumarappa, Joseph Cornelius: Survey of Matar Taluka

Lane, Edward William: Arabian Nights

Lansbury’s Life

Lavator: Physiognomy

Leadbeater, Charles Webster: Writings

Lecky, William Edward Hartpole: History of European Morals From Augustus To Charlemagne

Life of John Howard

Life of Tolstoy

Lin-V-Tang: Lin-U-Tang’s Book

Llewellyn, Richard: How Green Was My Valley

Locaire: Astronomy

Lodge, Oliver: Modern Problems

Lucian: Trips To The Moon

Macaulay, Thomas B.: Lays of Ancient Rome

Macauliffe, Max Arthur: Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors

Macdonald, George: Cibble

MacDonald, R: Travelolgue

Madan: Fasting

Maeterlinck, Maurice: Magic of The Stars

Maine, Henry James Sumner: Village Communities in The East and West

Maitland, Edward: New Interpretation of The Bible

Mander: Astronomy Without A Telescope

Manu: Manusmriti

Marx, Karl: Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

Masani: Conference of The Birds

Masani, Rustom Pestonji: Religion of The Good Life: Zoroastrianism

The Master and His Teachings

Mayne, John Dawson: Civil Procedure Code

Mayne, John Dawson: Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage

Mayo, Katherine: Mother India

Mazzini, Giuseppe: The Duties of Man and Other Essays

Mehta, J. P.: Vernaculars As Media of Instruction in Indian Schools and Colleges

Milton, John: Lycidas: The Tradition and The Poem

Modi, P. N.: Bhagavadgita: A Fresh Approach

Morley, John Morley: Life of William Ewart Gladstone

Morley, John: On Compromise

Morley, John Viscount: Recollections

Motley, John Lothrop: Rise of The Dutch Republic: A History

Moulton: Early Zoroastrianism

Muller, Friedrich Max: India: What Can It Teach Us?

Muller, Friedrich Max: Upanishads

Musings of St: Theresa

Muller, Friedrich Max: Upanishads

Musings of St. Theresa

Naoroji, Dadabhai: Admission of Educated Natives Into The Indian Civil Service

Naoroji, Dadabhai: England’s Duty To India

Financial Administration of India

Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

Natesan, Ganapati Agraharam: What India Wants: Autonomy Within The Empire

Natural History of Birds

Nehru, Jawaharlal: Glimpses of World History

Newcome: Astronomy

Nicholson: Mystics of Islam

Nivedita: Cradle Tales of Hinduism

Nordau, Max: Paradoxes of Civilization

Page , Kirby: War: Its Causes, Consequences and Cure

Parker, Dr: Commentaries

Patanjali: Yogasutras of Patanjali

Patel, Narasinhbhai Ishwarbhai: Letters of Narasinhbhai

Persian, Mystics: Wisdom Of The East Series

Pherwani, Shivram: Social Efficiency

Philo Christus: Pro Christo Ht Ecclesia

Pierson, Arthur Tappan: Many Infallible Proofs: The Evidences of Christianity Or The Written and Living Word of God

Plato: Defense and Death of Socrates

Plato: Dialogues of Plato

Pope, George Uglow: First Lessons in Tamil

Prophet’s Message To The West

Ramanathan: Speech on Khadi

Ranade, Mahadeo Govind and R T: Telang: Rise of The Maratha Power and Other Essays and Gleanings From Maratha Chronicles

Report of The Committee on Co-operation in India: 1917

Reports of Herschel and Other Committees

Rhys Davids, Thomas William: Lectures on Buddhism

Rolland, Romain: Life of Ramakrishna

Rolland, Romain: Life of Vivekananda and The Universal Gospel

Rosebery: The Life of Pitt

Rosicrucian Mysteries

Rothenstein: Ruin of Egypt

Ruskin, John: Crown of Wild Olives: Four Lectures on Industry and War

Ruskin, John: Fors Clavilgera Letters To The Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain

Ruskin, John: Joy For Ever and Its Price in The Market

Ruskin, John: Sesame and Lilies : Three Lectures

Ruskin, John: St: George’s Guild

Ruskin, John: Unto This Last: Four Essays on The First Principles of Political Economy

Saadi, Shaikh: Gulistan Or Rose Garden

Saadi, Shaikh: The Way of Zoraster

Saheb, Imam: Life of Nabi Saheb (Sirat-un-Nabi)

Salmin, Al Haj: Imam Hussain

Salmin, Al Haj: Khalifa Ally

Salt, Henry Stephens: A Plea For Vegetarianism and Other Essays

Salter, WiIliam MacIntyre: Ethical Religion

Salvemini, Gaetano: Mussolini

Sarkar, Jadunath: Shivaji and His Times

Schopenhaaver: Upanishads

Second and Third Urdu Reade

Secret Medicines

Seely, John Robert: Expansion of England

Seen and Heard in A Punjab Village

Shah, K. T.: Federal Finance

Shah, K. T.: Indian Currency and Exchange Banking

Shakespeare, William: Richard The Third

Shankh Ane Kodi

Shanna, Abhayadev: Vaidik Vinaya

Shaw, George Bernard: Man and Superman: A Comedy and A Philosophy

Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Shelley’s Works

Shibli, Maulana: Life of The Prophet

Shibli, Maulana: Sirat-On-Nabi

Shriman Narayan, Agarwal: Gandhian Constitution For Free India

Sinclair, Upton: Wet Parade

Sir Jean: Astronomy

Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy

Slocomb’s Book

Snell: Equity

Socrates: Socrates’ Works

Sohravorthy, Abdulla: Sayings of Mahomed

Sound of Heaven

Spencer, Herbert: The Principles of Sociology

St. Paul in Greece

Steps To Christianity

Stevenson, Robert Louis: Strange Case of Or Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables

Stevenson, Robert Louis: Virginbus Puerisque and Other Papers

Stories From The History of Rome

Swift, Jonathan: Guilliver’s Travels

Tagore, Rabindranath: Golden Book of Tagore

Tagore, Rabindranath: Sadhana: The Realization of Life

Taylor: Gujarati Grammar

Taylor, Thomas: Fallacy of Speed

Tennyson, Alfred: The Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson

Text Book of Indian History

Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vanity Fair- A Novel Without A Hero

Thadani: Thadani’s Poem

Thakur: Indian Administration

Theology in English Poets

Thompson, Edward W: Other Side of The Medal

Thompson, Francis: Hound of Heaven

Thoreau, Henry David: Life Without Principle

Thoreau, Henry David: On The Duty of Civil Disobedience

Thoreau, Henry David: Walden and Civil Disobedience

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar: Hindu Philosophy of Life, Ethics and Religion, Omtat-sat Srimad Bhagavadgita Rahasya Or Karma-Yoga Shastra

Tilak, Bal Gangadhar: Orion Or Researches Into The Antiquity of The Vedas

Tolstoy, Countess: Defense

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Complete Works of Count Tolstoy

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Essays and Letters

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The First Step

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The Gospel in Brief

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: How Shall We Escape

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Ivan The Fool

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The Kingdom of God Is Within You

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Letter To A Hindoo

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Letters To Russian Liberals

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: My Confession

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Relation of The Sexes

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Slavery of Our Times

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What I Believe

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What Is Art

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What Shall We Do Then

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What To Do

Trine: My Philosophy and Religion

Vegetarian Messenger

Verne, Jules: Dropped From The Clouds

Vivekananda, Swami: Raja Yoga Or Conquering The Internal Nature

Wadia, Ardaser Sorabjee N: Message of Christ

Wadia, Ardaser Sorabjee N: Message of Mahomed

Wadia, Prof: Southern Cross

The Way of The Buddha

Way of The Cross

The Way To Be in Life

Webb, Alfred: Alfred Webb’s Collection on Indian Civilization

Wells, Herbert George: The Outline of History: Being A Plain History of Life and Mankind

What War Means?

White and Tudor: Leading Cases in Equity

Wilberforce: Five Empires

Wilde, Oscar: Complete Works of Oscar Wilde

Williams, Howard: Ethics of Diet

William, Joshua: Principles of The Law of Real Property

Woodroffe, John George: Shakti and Shakta: Essays and Addresses on The Shakta Tantrashastra

Wordsworth, William: Poems

Yogavasishtha: Mumukshu Prakaran

Young Crusader

Zarathustra: Sayings of Zarathustra

पंचवटी : मैथिलीशरण गुप्त

साकेत : मैथिलीशरण गुप्त

स्वाध्याय संहिता : वैदिक मुनि हरिप्रसाद

वेदांत : राजन अय्यर

पंचीकरण : व्यास


रामायण : लेडी रमानाथ

मनुस्मृति : मनु

इस्लाम का नीतिशास्त्र : मिर्जा

रामचर्चा : प्रेमचंद

बुद्ध और महावीर : किशोरीलाल मशरूवाला

गाँधी विचार दोहन : किशोरीलाल मशरूवाला

समर्पण : किशोरीलाल मशरूवाला

धर्म विचार

(स्रोत : मणि भवन, गाँधी संग्रहालय

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